Friday, August 18, 2006

In which our heroine gets a root canal and some bad news

I had a root canal today. I have never had any dental work before. I mean, I've had braces, and I've had teeth removed, but I've never had my teeth drilled. I really wasn't sure what to expect. Well, I mean, people kept saying, "You need a root canal? Oh, I'm SO sorry!" However, the people I spoke with who had actually had one told me that it wasn't such a big deal. So, I figured that the sound of the drill might bother me, but I figured that I would have local anesthetic so at worst, it would just be uncomfortable.

So, I'm happy to announce that I made it through just fine. It took a very, very long time, and the anaesthetic wore off at the end, but I'm hard-core (ha!) and just had them finish up instead of getting another shot and waiting for it to take effect. By the time I left, I was hurting pretty bad, but so far I'm doing okay. The drilling was totally no big deal. I'm sure I'll be hurting more later, but for now, I'm rather pleased with myself. Here's to being a responsible adult and getting my teeth taken care of.

The bad news? I knew that I would have to go in later to get the permanent crown, but unfortunately my dentist wants to let my tooth heal for at least a MONTH before I can go in to get even a temporary crown. So, I still can't chew on that side of my mouth for another month. To make it worse? I need another root canal on the exact same tooth the other side, so unless I reschedule my appointment, there would be almost 3 weeks when I couldn't really chew at all. Yeah, that sounds just fan-damn-tastic. I think I'll reschedule the next root canal until I get the crown. Sometimes being an adult and taking care of business sucks.

1 comment:

Space Kitty said...

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Here's to mashed potatoes and ice cream! So sorry, honey!